Spaces of Opportunity
Spaces of Opportunity
Spaces of Opportunity
Spaces of Opportunity
Spaces of Opportunity
Spaces of Opportunity

DSGN AGNC is working with Cultivate South Phoenix (CUSP) and the Desert Botanical Garden to design Spaces of Opportunity (SOO) an 18-acre site in South Phoenix with spaces for farming, gardening, education and community. Furthermore, Cultivate South Phoenix (CUSP) proposes to develop a community-driven “food hub” that will facilitate the sustainable production of fresh and healthy food and engineer broad and equitable local access to this food through its distribution within a variety of settings: schools, businesses, the faith community, health care, and non-profit organizations.

LINKS: Cultivate South Phoenix | Desert Botanical Garden Press Release | ArtPlace America (Funding)

Urban farming in suburban Phoenix becomes the basis for an entire community hub (Architect’s Newspaper)
Can a Community Garden Outgrow Poverty in Southern Phoenix? (Next City)
The American suburbs are next fertile ground for architectural & urban experimentation (Architect’s Newspaper)
Sounds Of The City: Planting Fruit Trees With The Family (KJZZ Radio)
Desert Botanical Garden helping to transform large lot in south Phoenix (The Arizona Republic)

Through community engagement we have designed a masterplan including details of the first phase of the project (which includes a community stage and a food preparation/farmer’s market area).


Spaces of Opportunity :: Masterplan

Spaces of Opportunity :: Masterplan


Spaces of Opportunity :: Phase One :: Public Spaces

Spaces of Opportunity :: Phase One :: Public Spaces


The mission of Spaces for Opportunity is to enable all families in south Phoenix to have affordable access to healthy food, active living and healthy roots of their cultures.

South Phoenix residents have unequal access to health-promoting resources such as fresh fruit and vegetables; safe, open, space; and culturally accessible and accurate health information – and that this inequitable access is negatively influencing their health and wellness. Spaces is intending to refashion the food system in south Phoenix to better reflect the community’s interests and values and otherwise promote healthy food access, healthy literacy and economic development.

-Pay Workers
The intent of the CUSP Steering Committee is to provide people in paid positions- specifically farm workers- with a just wage. Fifteen dollars an hour will be the starting point.
-Justice Based Economic System
Spaces of Opportunity must create a justice-based economic system, including community-based civic engagement, in the work that is done.

Spaces of Opportunity

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